Monday, February 26, 2007

Poem Of The Day....

In The Depths of Solitude.... By Tupac Amaru Shakur

I exist in the depths of solitude
pondering my true goal
trying 2 find peace of mind
and still preserve my soul
constantly yearning 2 be accepted
and from all receive respect
never comprising but sometimes risky
and that is my only regret
a young heart with an old soul
how can there be peace
how can i be in the depths of solitude
when there r 2 inside of me
this duo within me causes
the perfect oppurtunity
2 learn and live twice as fast
as those who accept simplicity

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Feel Pretty...

I feel pretty...oh so pretty :)) \:D/

Thursday, February 22, 2007

"Mai bine să ai un prieten fără carnet, decât să-şi piardă viaţa"

Asta crede un băiat din Constanţa, după ce, sâmbătă noaptea, trei tineri au murit într-un cumplit accident rutier. Urmările nenorocirii i-au speriat pe cei care credeau că pot stăpâni uşor sute de cai putere...asa ca inainte sa calci mai tare pe acceleratie gandeste-te mai intai la posibilele urmari... sau vei regreta...
==> The Video <==

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Teoria pantalonului larg si a gandirii stramte

"Cititorule,inante sa critici parcurge cu atentie textul ce urmeaza! O carte nu se judeca dupa coperti asa cum articolul de fata nu se judeca dupa titlu,ci dupa continut.E vorba de cateva sesizari dupa o lunga si directa observatie a atitudinii unor semeni de-ai nostri.Ceea ce se vroia a fi un articol sarcastic a devenit unul pe cat se poate de serios si plin de talc.Desi are nuanta unui atac la persoana el nu este decat o opinie.Lectura cat mai atenta si placuta!

Nu sunt multi cei care cunosc povestea pantalonilor largi,cu renumitul si mult criticatul lor tur.E interesanta si pe alocuri pilduitoare.Negrii au suferit mult din cauza prejudecatilor si a urei rasiale,de la exploatarea inumana pana la amplificarea celor mai mici greseli si pedepsirea aspra si nedreapta pe care au suferit-o in trecut;ba chiar si astazi se mai aplica un astfel de tratament. Asa se face ca acestia aveau inchisori special amenajate cu o politica spartana.Cei inchisi aici aveau de indurat munci silnice si pedepse crunte. Ajunsi la limita disperarii,multi dintre ei se spanzurau in celule cu bretelele de la pantaloni. Astfel de incidente se intamplau sistematic. In consecinta,conducerile inchisorilor au hotarat sa nu li se mai dea bretele,iar pantalonii aveau de acum turul lasat. In spirit de solidaritate pentru fratii lor inchisi,dar si ca forma de protest imporiva regimului auster si injust,cei ce erau in libertate au inceput sa poarte pantalonii intr-o maniera asemanatoare.In timp,ei au devenit un fel de uniforma a soldatilor miscarii hip-hop,dar in prezent,constat din ce in ce mai mult ca au devenit o moda, ceva ce e privit ca tinand strict de imagine,o buna vestimentatie pentru a atrage fetele vesele. Only shit!!!

Tinereii cu personalitatea in rate,care ziua sunt “underi”,iar noaptea se unduiesc pe boxa din club dupa ritmurile gretoase ale manelelor promovate abuziv,nu fac altceva decat sa defaimeze si sa prejudicieze,in general miscarea hip-hop autohtona,si in special pe cei care o sustin,fie ca doar asculta,canta ori sunt aleargati de politie pentru ca arta urbana nu este apreciata.

Vorbind de cultura geniala si de lexicul acestor mari fuckeri ce cred ca hip-hop-ul se rezuma la cateva trupe consacrate, fara insa a le cunoaste evolutia si lupta pe care au dus-o pana ce si-au castigat bine-meritata titulatura de “trupa de mainstream”,nu poti auzi decat un bombastic “yeeeeaah” ori un ridicol “yo”,indiferent de contextul in care se afla. E un fel de tic verbal care se alatura unor sintagme extra-patetice foarte des uzitate, gen: “Ce faci fetele?” ori “Moaaarfa bai!!”,si sa nu uitam de clasicele cuvinte folosite cu o turatie de 20 de ori pe minut: “p**a” si “c***t”.

Mergand pe firul psihologiei,ultimul cuvant amintit sintetizeaza valoarea lor ca oameni intr-o societate, un fel de exteriorizare a respectului de sine venita din subconstientul lor.Si totul nu ar fi chiar atat de deranjant daca acestia ar avea un miraculos si rarisim moment de luciditate si ar exclama privindu-se intr-o oglinda: “Moama, nu stiam cat sunt de penibil!”. Insa asa ceva nu prea se intampla si ar fi bine sa ma parchez din nou pe Terra si sa nu mai visez la o sclipire morala din partea lor.

Fara echivoc, orizontul acestora de cunoastere e la fel de inchis ca si carcasa cd-ului propaspat piratat din nesimtire, prostie si/sau inconstienta,imbracate frumos de pretextul “lipsei banilor”. Dar acum imi permit sa spun ca daca ai posibilitatea materiala sa fii conectat la internet si implicit sa descarci melodii peste melodii pe care le gasesti si la un magazin de specialitate si la taraba la care vinde nenea Gigel de la scara B, atunci nu ai tu oare cativa lei din astia mai grei sa-ti cumperi muzica in original? Ba da! Dar e mult mai simplu asa. “De ce sa ma gandsc oare daca ii afectez aluia care imi incanta mie auzul, evolutia profesionala?”. O mentalitate proasta si, din pacate, adanc inradacinata, cu minime posibiltati de schimbare.

O ultima chestiune, ce incoroneaza totul: nu o pereche de baggy pants si niste casti te fac raper. Puterea mentala, capacitatea de a filtra si intelege mesajul transmis, asta este esenta! Hip-hop-ul este inainte de orice o stare de spirit si un mod de viata.

Daca,din intamplare,te-ai regasit in randurile de mai sus si acestea nu ti-au trezit constiinta de mult adormita, asculta aici: Stai jos si schimba domeniul muzical cat mai repede posibil! Iar daca ai colegi, amici ori cunoscuti care se incadereaza in tiparul prezentat,recomanda-le articolul si poate ca se va schimba ceva in lumea lor.

Cititorule,a venit vremea sa iti multumesc pentru ca ai avut rabdare si ca ai lecturat cele ce am scris. Acum, Tu esti in masura sa tragi o concluzie, in baza cugetarilor de mai sus si a propriilor viziuni. Cine stie, poate optica noastra e diferita sau poate e mult mai asemanatoare decat credeai la inceput…

Fie ca esti sau nu de acord cu mine am un lucru complicat de simplu sa-ti spun: Pace!"

Multumiri The_LyoneSSe pentru articol!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Little "Bow Wow"

Proof of what some atitude can do...go boy! :))

The Internet...

The Internet is realy realy great for....

Chinese people are so funny :))

Just take a look ==>> HERE....It just says it all!!!

Quote of the day...

"I'm an idea, and ideas are bulletproof"

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Opinion Reply

Mysterious disappearance of Romania's top trillionaire.

Romanian society in shock! Foremost trillionaire disappears into unknown after massive nervous breakdown. While everything is still hush-hush, our reporters have managed to get an exclusive inside account from one of B.P.'s personal friends.

At his request we shall not make his identity public.

Reporter: Ok, so, everyone's just dying to know: how did this happen? It just so out of the blue!

Friend: Well...erm *cough* I don't know what to say about that. Those who were close to him knew it was just a matter of time before he snapped.

R: Really? What do you mean?

F: For starters...

R: Sorry to interrupt, but that's right! Please tell us everything, right from the very start. It'd be easier to follow.

F: Erm...Ok. Give me a minute to gather my thoughts. *shifts on his chair* Do you mind if I smoke?

R: Please do.

*lights one up* At first everything was a bit unusual. You know...he was just renowned for his laziness, but when the jackpot hit and people started to order, he was ecstatic(!) that he actually *gasp* counted his first hundred dollar bill !

"One. Yippee."

But, you can imagine, when the millions started to roll in he fell in his usual apathy: doing nothing all day.

We thought his servants would manage to stir his attention, they started to weigh the boxes of money in front of him (you know, after the first month we figured it was just pointless to keep counting, so we stuffed the money in boxes and weighed them, it went much faster)

I think he actually smiled when he heard about this, but, of course, after a few thousands 100 pound box of dollars he told them to do that elsewhere.

R: Sorry again to interrupt, you said after the first month. That was just about when pretty much every flower salesman, gift maker and Valentine's Day distributor had gone bust, wasn't it?

F: Yes. I guess that's about right...*cough*

R: Ok, go on.

F: As things REALLY took off he had a few...let's say...unpleasant phone calls.

R: Could you elaborate on that?

F: For starters, J.K.Rowling was furious! Nobody cared anymore about Harry Potter Book 7, because nobody had any money left! ING and AIG bankrupted, because people simply didn't care about their lives...and...*puts out his smoke and lights up another* and the list can go on: Bill Gates had no one left to sell his Alta Vista, Google also went bust-who cared about search engines when the world was hooked on only one website? - Hollywood closed down; Tom Cruise divorced Katie and moved to Pakistan so he could post a message for each of his 73 wives... really, you know I could go on for ages... *wipes his forehead* I mean, unless you've been living in a box underground for the past year.

R: Finally, we're getting to the hot spot of this interview: what happened? What prompted him to give up his life of uber-luxury for...for what?

F: It was all because of that girl! You know, the one with the post... *takes a deep breath*

R: Ah yes...The Opinion.

F: That's right! She was the first to make him realize the kind of man he was: a lazy but fortunate parasite; feeding on people's weakness for love.

R: So, mysterious trillzillionaire (i.e. someone who has a trillion billions) disappears and no one knows where or what...or?

F: He's off in the Russian tundra. *smiles*

R: The tundra?! What on earth is he doing there?

F: He's digging in mines, plowing the land; you know, REAL work. He says he's never been happier than now, when he eats nothing but dry grass and drinks his own sweat. That girl really put things in perspective for him.

Everyone should go out and find real work. I'm just surprised no one learned a lesson: toy makers, clothes makers, gift makers! All should be ashamed! *slightly agitated* Where's the work? *eyes start to bulge* Where's the sweat? Where's the blood? The nerve they have! I don't know how they can sleep at night.. *sighs*

R: Wow...I mean...Wow! That was really much more info that I had hoped for. Thank you very much. You're obviously a bit excited right now. Thank you again and good luck. And good luck to him too.

F: No problem. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak about the real B.P.

So there you have it. Mysterious disappearance or not, seems the world can get back on track after having been taken by storm by trillzillionaire/ex-sloth B.P.